Transurfing Tips. How to stop attracting trouble?

  1. Tip number 1. Unlearn the hate
  2. Tip # 2. Stop comparing, oppose and set conditions

In order to learn how to manage reality, it is necessary, at least, to understand the mechanism of its formation. Each person in the most direct way creates a layer of his world. But for the most part he does not understand how this happens. Man strives to ensure that "everything is as I want." He is trying to apply his uncomplicated principle to the world: wherever I turn, I will go there; where podnazmu, there and bend. But for some reason the world does not want to obey. Moreover, a person turns in one direction, and he carries it in a completely different direction. As a result of such "creativity", a layer of the world is created, in which "everything is not the way I wanted." On the contrary, a lot goes exactly “the way I don’t want”. Some strange, capricious, intractable reality.

Often there is a feeling that the world behaves as if out of spite. Troubles seem to be drawn by an inexplicable force. Fears come true, worst expectations are met. We are relentlessly pursued by what we dislike and are trying to avoid. Why it happens? Fortunately, the model Reality transurfing not only reveals the reason for such a pattern, but also explains how to avoid it. Here are just a few tips on how to do this.

Tip number 1. Unlearn the hate

You get what you don't want, especially if this reluctance is frantic. Hate or fear with all your heart, it means that the external intention will give you all this in abundance.
The energy of thoughts, born in the unity of soul and mind, embodies the potential possibility into reality. In other words, the sector of space of options, corresponding to the parameters of mental radiation, materializes if the feelings of the soul are one with the thoughts of the mind. Thus, with hatred you harm yourself first and foremost.
But this is not the only reason for the realization of the worst expectations. In general, life without problems is the norm. Everything is going well and smoothly, if you go with the flow of options, without disturbing the balance. Nature does not like to waste energy and is not inclined to create machinations.

Tip # 2. Stop comparing, oppose and set conditions

Undesirable circumstances and events occur that's why. Excess potentials distort the surrounding energy picture, and dependency relations further aggravate the situation.
So relationships of addiction are formed between people in the event that they begin to compare themselves with each other, oppose and impose conditions like "if you are, then I am."
Here are some examples of potentials built on a relationship of dependence : I love you, provided that you love me; I love myself because I am above all of you; you're bad because I'm better; I am good because you are bad; I don't like myself because I'm the worst of them all; you are disgusting to me, because you are not like me.
Estimates based on a comparison generate so-called polarization . When this happens, the equilibrium forces eliminate this heterogeneity by colliding opposites. Similarly, the opposite poles of the magnets attract each other.

How to improve your performance, read the article. "3 secrets of how to become a successful person with the help of Transurfing" .

3 secrets of how to become a successful person with the help of Transurfing

Tip number 3. Do not give anything or anyone unnecessary value

Redundant potentials arise when some quality is given unduly great importance. By itself, excess capacity is not so bad. As long as a distorted estimate exists without regard to anything or anyone, that is, by itself. But, as soon as an artificially high estimate: a person, a phenomenon or a situation is put in a comparative relationship to another, the balance is disturbed.
The equilibrium forces seek to return it, and their action in most cases is directed against the one who has violated this balance. The more you insist on your desires and claims, the stronger the magnet that attracts all the opposite. There is literally the following: you hold the world by the throat, and it counteracts, trying to free itself.
It is useless to press and insist - the situation will be even more aggravated. Instead, you need to consciously change your attitude and just follow the basic rule. Reality transurfing . Allow yourself to be yourself and the other to be different. It is necessary to release the world on all four sides. Loosen your grip.

Council number 4. Wake up and get off the stage in the auditorium

The main thing is not to be a puppet and act consciously in order to use energy-informational structures - pendulums - in their own interests. But how to get rid of their influence?
Wake up and realize how the pendulum is trying to manipulate you. Understanding what is happening is half the battle. The power of the pendulum is inversely proportional to awareness. He has power over you as long as you are awake.
First of all - you should not take part in the battles of the pendulums, if you do not need it personally. When you are in a crowd, you need to leave the stage of the action in the auditorium, look around and wake up: “What am I doing here? I am aware of? Why do I need it?"
Awakening from a dream in reality should be absolutely clear: "At the moment I am not sleeping and I clearly understand what I am doing, why and why this is so." If you give yourself this report, everything is in order. If not, then in any, even negligible conflict situation, you are a puppet.

Learn more about how to interact with pendulums correctly in the article. “Pendulums in Transurfing. How not to fall under their influence?

Tip # 5. Be indifferent to the problem by switching to something else.

The situation is more complicated when something annoys you. In this case, the situation is heating up, as long as the nervous tension persists. Usually this means that the pendulum caught your attention, as in a loop of capture . In order to break free from pendulum , it is necessary to fall into indifference. But it is difficult to do.
For example, neighbors annoy their music, which you do not like terribly. Your task is to “unhook” in any way from the pendulum. But to force oneself to not respond is almost impossible. To suppress emotions is useless. Instead you need to pay attention to something else.
Try to listen to your music, but not loudly, but only to drown out the neighbor. Think of some other ways to escape. If you manage to occupy thoughts with something else, the neighbors will gradually calm down. In order to get rid of the grip loop , you need to switch attention.

Learn more about how to interact with pendulums correctly in the article. "How to stop being a" cog "in the system and become free?" .

You get what you don't want, especially if this reluctance is frantic. The energy of thoughts, born in the unity of the soul and mind, embodies the potential possibility into reality. Thus, with hatred you harm yourself first and foremost. Relationships addiction between people in the event that they begin to compare themselves with each other, oppose and put conditions like "if you are, then I am so."

Equilibrium forces eliminate this heterogeneity by colliding opposites. Do not give anything or anyone too much importance. As soon as an artificially high estimate: a person, phenomenon or situation is put in a comparative relationship to another, the balance is disturbed.

The more you insist on your desires and claims, the stronger the magnet that attracts all the opposite. Allow yourself to be yourself and the other to be different. First of all - you should not take part in the battles of the pendulums, if you do not need it personally.

Awakening from a dream in reality should be absolutely clear: "At the moment I am not sleeping and I clearly understand what I am doing, why and why this is so." In order to get rid of the pendulum, it is necessary to fall into indifference or switch attention to something else.

As soon as you learn to reduce the importance and not create excess potentials, the number of problems in your life will decrease significantly. You will be surprised when you find out: what was previously given by such a work, suddenly it seems as if it “floats” into your hands! The fact is that by not allowing equilibrium forces and pendulums to interfere, you gain the freedom of choice and regain your right to control your life. And easily realize all your goals!

You can now practice the tools to reduce importance - and, finally, get rid of it by taking part in an online meeting. "Hello, Importance, and goodbye!" . In 1.5 hours you:

  • learn how and by what importance is formed;
  • learn the reality Transurfing tools to reduce importance in all areas of life;
  • reduce your importance and stop creating excessive potentials;
  • learn to consciously choose the desired emotional state;
  • learn to act successfully in stressful situations;
  • get rid of obstacles on the way and start to easily and quietly realize your goals!

Learn more >>>

Why it happens?
But how to get rid of their influence?
When you are in a crowd, you need to leave the stage of the action in the auditorium, look around and wake up: “What am I doing here?
I am aware of?
Why do I need it?
How not to fall under their influence?
How to stop being a" cog "in the system and become free?